Payment Methods

At Bolsaplast Shop, you can pay for your order easily and securely, being able to track your order in the event that any type of mishap crops up.

Credit Card Payment

Credit cards are processed via the Sabadell Bank secure server. We accept the following cards: Visa, MasterCard, and 4B-MASTERCARD.


Payment via Bank Transfer

Bank transfer: when your purchase is accepted, you'll receive an e-mail containing all the information you need to make the transfer. The order will be processed and sent as soon as the transfer has been confirmed in our bank account.

Contact information

C. Bernat Metge, 110-112
08205 - Sabadell
Barcelona, España


+34 93 711 73 61

Opening hours

Lunes a Viernes
De 9 a 13 h y 16 a 19 h.
Viernes tarde cerrado

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